How do my students get started with Theory Test Pro?

The quickest way to get your students going on Theory Test Pro is to invite them.  You can do this very easily by following the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your account

  2. Click on the Invite Student button

  3. Enter the student's name and email address

  4. Click on the Invite Student button

That's it, then we'll send them an email containing everything they need to get started.

If you don't have their email address then you can give them the web address for your Theory Test Pro sign up page.  They can go there to sign up for Trial access.


To give them full access, simply:

  1. Sign in to your account

  2. From your Students tab, tick the checkbox in front of the student’s name

  3. Click on the Change access button

  4. Select Full access

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